"As long as I am in the world,
I am the light of the world."
After he said these things he spit on the ground,
made some mud from the saliva,
and spread the mud on his eyes.
John 9:5-6 CSB
This man was born blind, and Jesus covered his eyes with mud.
He's now blind twice.
And he's used his own saliva. This man who is an outcast from society, left on the margins, is now outcast again by being unclean.
Twice blind.
Doubly outcast.
Yet Jesus is right here. When it seems too dark, when there seems to be no hope, no justice, no change, no help, Jesus is right there.
He calls us to follow him, to where the marginalised are, to where the blind are.
He calls us to bring justice, and to give sight.
The saliva and the dirt, the mud, they weren't needed for this man to be healed, they were for the people watching.
No matter how blind, doubly blind, I'm here to bring sight.
No matter what injustice you've suffered, how unclean you feel, I'm here to make a way, to be the way.
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