And they threw him out of the synagogue... When Jesus heard what had happened, he found the man and asked, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?" The man answered, "Who is he, sir? I want to believe in him." John 9:34-36 NLT Our friend who was born blind, rejected by society, was miraculously healed, simply told his story, and was rejected again. If you're familiar with rejection then this is a story for you. Jesus heard about what happened to him, and went to find him. The rejected. Jesus finds the rejected man and brings words of life, words of hope, words of a future. This person is rejected by the very people who should be wrapping him in, supporting and caring for him, and yet, even though he has done nothing to deserve being treated like that, the truth of his story was too confronting. If you know rejection, fear rejection, know that you're not too much for Jesus. He is for you. #dearlyloved #childoftheKing
Daily encouragement :)