Jesus looked around and said to his disciples,
"How hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!"
The disciples were astonished at his words.
Mark 10:23-24 CSB
I really wanted to skip these verses.
They're uncomfortable.
Jesus looked around and included the disciples, those who had left jobs and businesses, in his view of those who had wealth.
And here we are living in the most prosperous and wealthy generation of all time.
Jesus looks around.
Uses his superpower of seeing what motivates the heart.
He sees the disciples hearts.
He sees mine.
We all love something more than God.
There's a battle for our affection.
Peter a couple of verses later despairs and declares no one is good enough to get into the Kingdom.
And we are not.
I am not.
Where was Jesus heading before he was interupted?
To Jerusalem.
To the cross.
To make a way.
To make us heirs of the Kingdom.
Grace that says you can now in the safety of your salvation reorder your heart, reorder your loves, not to earn that Grace, but in response to it.
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