But he was dismayed by this demand,
and he went away grieving,
because he had many possessions.
Mark 10:22 CSB
This young man chose his stuff over following Jesus.
It wasn't that he had stuff, even that he had lots of it, it was that was what he had placed his hope in.
That stuff was the thing that he couldn't give up because it was his identity.
He came to Jesus unsure of his situation with God.
Was he good enough.
Jesus said all you have to do is follow me.
But your love of your stuff is in the way. It's not your stuff, but your love of it.
Jesus says:
Yes you're enough.
I love you
Choose to love me.
Choose me first
And he did not.
He chose the temporary, the momentary, the created, his own kingdom, over the eternal, the creator, the kingdom of Light.
I wonder what happened to him?
What he did if he heard of Jesus death, his resurrection, the apostles teaching.
What I do know is that if he did choose to follow Jesus, that His arms of grace are wide open and welcoming.
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