As he was setting out on a journey,
a man ran up, knelt down before him,
and asked him,
"Good teacher,
what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
Mark 10:17 CSB
Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. He's heading there for the final part of his mission.
Probably an early morning start, mind on the job, because the next Jerusalem and the crucifixion.
And he gets interrupted.
He may have been asked this question 100 times,
What do I do when I get interupted?
He didn't get annoyed or tell him he was too busy. Jesus stopped and talked with the person in his situation.
If I get interupted by someone today, how am I going to see that?
Is my "mission" so important that the person in front of me is not important?
What has God got for me to learn or see in the interruption? (Will I even ask Him?)
What does the interruption reveal about my heart? What I need to address?
Jesus is starting the most important journey of his life, and still shows grace.
May I show a smidge of that grace today.
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