He is before all things, and by him
all things
hold together.
He is also the head of the body,
the church;
Colossians 1:17-18 CSB
Before time and space, Jesus was
He is outside of the creation, beyond, and somehow it seems that the Word that created all that there is, holds it together.
He's the head of the church.
He entered into creation, not to remain separate, but to become one with us.
Joined, co-dependent, incomplete being made complete.
And as the body we go where the head leads.
Where did Jesus go?
Outside, towards the lost, the hurt, the marginalised, the poor.
He brought healing, forgiveness, and hope
As His body we follow Him.
We follow the One from outside time,
in who all things hold together,
who made himself small, who humbled himself, who came as a servant,
to make a way,
to become the way,
for us
to be made whole.
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