"Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
"Why do you call me good?" Jesus asked him.
"No one is good except God alone."
Mark 10:17-18 CSB
This guy running up to see Jesus could be straight out of our modern world.
What have I got to do?
It's all about me, my autonomy, and the "what".
An IT Manager once told me "I can fix any problem with the application of sufficient funds".
I can sort this.
There's a "what" that will fix it.
Underneath the "what" of the man's question is the real question:
"Am I good enough?"
"Am I enough?"
But Jesus asks a question.
Jesus' question gets to the person's heart, and moves things from the "what" to a "who".
And the "who" is Jesus.
Am I enough?
Jesus says look at me.
Know me.
At the end of this dialogue Jesus simply says "follow me"
When we simply follow Jesus our question will be answered.
You are enough.
Right now, in this moment, because of who Jesus is.
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