Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27 CSB To God's people scattered all over the place, here's James simple 3 part way to live: Live before God, oriented towards Him. Circumstances change, our health, our kiwisaver balances, our freedoms, the choices we have all change, but James reminds us to live "coram deo", before the face of God. Part 2 is to love people who are struggling, alone, with less, less resources. This requires an outward orientation, and in #level4 some creative thinking. If everyone in your bubble is OK, what about those outside it. Have a think about who those people might be in your world? Could you give an online music lesson, read a story to another family's children every day, do some tutoring, organise shopping for someone who can't get out...3d print face masks for hospital staff... And part 3. Keep u...
Daily encouragement :)