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Showing posts from March, 2020
Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this:  to look after orphans and widows in their distress and  to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27 CSB To God's people scattered all over the place, here's James simple 3 part way to live: Live before God, oriented towards Him.  Circumstances change, our health, our kiwisaver balances, our freedoms, the choices we have all change, but James reminds us to live "coram deo", before the face of God. Part 2 is to love people who are struggling, alone, with less, less resources.  This requires an outward orientation, and in #level4 some creative thinking.  If everyone in your bubble is OK, what about those outside it. Have a think about who those people might be in your world?  Could you give an online music lesson, read a story to another family's children every day, do some tutoring, organise shopping for someone who can't get out...3d print face masks for hospital staff... And part 3. Keep u...
Because if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like someone looking at his own face in a mirror.  For he looks at himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of person he was. But the one who looks intently into the perfect law of freedom and perseveres in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer who works - this person will be blessed in what he does. James 1:23-25 CSB To God's people. Scattered. In isolation. Don't just be hearers of God's word but doers. How does that look for us in the current environment?  Do look at the restrictions and think "I can't". I can't love others, I can't serve in my area of gifting, I can't get together... James reminds us that it's who we are that's important. Look in the mirror. We're the same people, and for a while our world is very different.  He reminds us to keep in God's Word, and to keep living in it out.  My "I can't" becomes "how can I?...
For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile everything to himself, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. Colossians 1:19-20 CSB This letter was written to a small Christian community in a city with a range of beliefs. A bit like us today.  Under Roman rule.  (We're willingly submitting to having our freedom restricted right now) Paul has been reminding the church who Jesus is. It's easy to get swamped with what's happening, worry about what might happen, and lose sight of who Jesus is: The fullness of God in a person! His mission: to reconcile everything. To unhurt all the hurt, to unspoil, to unruin, to bring all things back to how they were designed. His way: by going to the cross. The only one who could. The gospel, the good news of who Jesus is, his mission, and his way of accomplishing that mission is as important to us today as it was to the church in Collosae. Yes...
My dear brothers and sisters, understand this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger... But be doers of the word and not hearers only... James 1:19, 22 CSB James is writing to a people scattered all over the place, writing to people facing trials.  Mmm just a bit like us.  Quick slow slow is encouraging us HOW to communicate, but James is also encouraging us TO communicate.  Regularly check in with people. Ask God to put people on your heart and reach out to them. Some are business as usual, some having a nice break, some are working in health care, some facing financial ruin, jobs lost. Some will be fearful  BE quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to become angry, and DO reach out and communicate.  James calls the scattered people to be doers of the word. That might look a little different in this time of Less Choice.  Jesus called us to Love God, and to Love People. James encourages us to get on and do that. #james #Godsgym ...
Friday! Proverbs! A king's terrible wrath is like the roaring of a lion; anyone who provokes him endangers himself. Proverbs 20:2 CSB What a week it's been since we started Prov 20! What's this proverb got to say to our current situation? We don't have a king, but the government does have significant power and it is using that now, and if we break the rules we will feel it's "wrath".  It's for my good and the good of my neighbour. If God is the King here, my sin, my choices have put me in danger.  God's anger is for my good, as He doesn't want any taint of sin in my life, that sin that separates me from Him. But Jesus has stepped in between, absorbed my sin and with that the wrath of the king. I'm no longer in danger. A child of the King Saved, and being saved. Renewed, and being renewed. Whole, and being made whole. Cleansed, and being made clean. Our world has shifted in a week, but the gospel of grace is unchanged, for my good, and the g...
There is a river - its streams delight the city of God, the holy dwelling place of the Most High.  God is within her; she will not be toppled. God will help her when the morning dawns. Nations rage, kingdoms topple; the earth melts when he lifts his voice.  The Lord of Armies is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold.  Selah Psalms 46:4-7 CSB Remember that this is a song, and songs are often  about the picture, the story, the feelings. The river that's streams delight before God. That God is in. That God will help That won't be toppled. Is this a picture looking forward to Jesus? Who while it looked like he was toppled God raised again in the new light of the resurrection. Or is it us? The church? Restored and made new. Jesus talked about the vine & branches. Inseparable. The church as a body, & he is the head.  Maybe this picture of streams and a river is us made whole in Jesus, delighting the City of God. There's drama amongst the nations, but we ...
God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble.  Therefore we will not be afraid,  though the earth trembles and the mountains topple into the depths of the seas, though its water roars and foams and the mountains quake with its turmoil.  Selah Psalms 46:1-3 CSB This song is describing a changing world, where what felt solid no longer seems as firm, and in that, it's not really today that's so concerning, but the future. Those things that were mapped out, felt in control, perhaps don't feel that way now. Work, business, study program, family, relationships, health, wealth, even food supply, systems we've known all our lives... Turmoil. The psalmist starts with who God is.  Refuge Strength Helper He has not changed. Refuge: a place where we can go Strength: someone to lean into Helper: resources to bear our burdens. Therefore. Therefore we will not be afraid. We do not have to be afraid because of who God is. In today's turmoil look ...
...because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance.  And let endurance have its full effect,  so that you may be mature  and complete,  lacking nothing. James 1:3-4 CSB We've looked at "consider it" from V2, "and let", and today it's "so that". Some business guru once said "don't waste a good crisis". James said it first. You're going to have stuff happens that tests your faith. Testing produces something good.  Endurance. Endurance changes us. So that. So that we'll become; Mature Complete Lacking nothing As we head into this time of Less Choices, where is it that we need to grow? What am I lacking that God might want to use this time to speak into? Where does He want to mature me? For each of us there's a "so that".  I'm not sure what that is for me right now, but I'm sure that there's some idols that will become clearer, as Less Choices Level 4 kicks in. Do you remember who James...
Consider it a great joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you experience various trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-4 CSB More small words: "And let" James tells us that the lesson is found in ensuring, in preserving, that we need to let enduring do its work. In this current "trial" I wonder what that is for me? It could be to keep a bigger picture of the world in mind, look out for my neighbour, be kinder, more  generous. It could be that as these days continue, that the less important things actually become less important, that my relationship with God and with people is strengthened not diminished.  "And let" says that there is something for me to learn in enduring, so don't fight it or wish it gone, embrace it, and let it do its work. #somethingtochewon #james #Godsgym #endurancehasworktodo
James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ:  To the twelve tribes dispersed abroad. Greetings. Consider it a great joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you experience various trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. James 1:1-3 CSB Sometimes current events make us look at familiar passages in a new light. With people we know stuck in different countries, or people stuck here who can't go home. James is writing to people stuck in places that are not home. Two words stand out here: "Consider it" The Greek word used here is a leadership term.  We get to choose what thoughts are going to lead us. As we face this particular trial, turmoil for many businesses, work disrupted, study disrupted, fear of the spread of this virus and what that might do, lots of unknowns, what are our leading thoughts? What is our "consider it"? James wasn't happy about the situation, but that he knew that trials, the testing of our faith, ...
Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord ? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not appealed to what is false, and who has not sworn deceitfully. Psalms 24:3-4 CSB In these days of Covid-19, seems that I'm washing my hands a lot. How do I know that they're really clean?  They look clean to me. Last week we looked at the first 2 verses of this Psalm, this song, to look up at the bigness of God and breathe Him in. And then v 3 asks the question who gets to go meet with God? Takes us back to Moses and Joshua heading up the mountain while the people waited. Then he gives us the criteria: Clean hands. Someone who's actions and the way that they live is always right. Pure heart. Motives that are never selfish, always pure. Someone who's never followed an idol or believed a lie... Impossible. Unattainable. We are pulled forward to the one person who could claim this; Jesus. Who's clean hands and pure heart were smashed into,...
Friday! Proverbs! Prov 19 is done! Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise. Proverbs 20:1 ESV Every day this proverb is lived out in hospitals, violence in families, violence between friends, in social settings. Poor choices are made with big consequences. Lives changed, people hurt, because our judgement is impaired from something we've drunk or ingested. Something that started as good has taken over. Or has become our refuge. The place where we can step out of our responsibilities or fears. This current situation with Covid-19 can create fear. "What if" scenarios. Where is our place of refuge? The Psalms is a great place to find the realism of a difficult situation, and our place of refuge in it (Ps46 is a great starter) What's our option? Lean into God's word. Lean into trusted people. Pray. Give God your story & ask Him to speak  Sometimes these sources of wisdom tell us things we don't want to hear, but th...
"See, we are going up to Jerusalem. The Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and the scribes,  and they will condemn him to death. Then they will hand him over to the Gentiles,  and they will mock him, spit on him, flog  him, and kill him, and he will rise  after three days." Mark 10:33-34 CSB This is the 3rd time Jesus has prepared his team for what is coming.  He restates his credentials, that everyone is going to be in on it, and it's going to be awful. Humiliating, painful, and the creator, the one who spoke and there was life, is going to step into death. The enemy. The anti-life. Why would the creator do that for the created? Last night I held someone's small baby, just a few weeks old, and you can sense the love that a parent has for their child. For my children I would die to give them life. And that's the love that Jesus has for us. For me. For you. Chosen Adopted Loved Crazy love. That chose to die so that his children could have life....
They were on the road, going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus was walking ahead of them. The disciples were astonished, but those who followed him were afraid. Mark 10:32 CSB Jesus is cruising on ahead, and his team are hanging back. Astonished. They didn't quite get Jesus. After all that time and the long walks and talks, the sermons, the miracles, the chats along the way. The lesson? It's OK to not always get Jesus, get what he's up to, get why he just doesn't fix things. And the other people following, well, they're... Afraid. There's nothing particularly scary about what Jesus has been saying, so my guess is that they're afraid because Jesus words can only mean that he is God. Lord, liar, lunatic, or is this all just legend? Only one of these possibilities can be true. #gospelofMark #lordoftheupsidedownkingdom
"But many who are first will be last,  and the last first." Mark 10:31 CSB In the middle of Mark ch9 Jesus team were arguing about greatness. Importance. And he told them "If anyone wants to be first, he must be last and servant of all." Mark 9:35 CSB In between he blessed the small, warned against hurting the small, taught about God's grace and people's hearts, welcomed the small again, taught about wealth and possessions, and here we are at the bookend, the first last, the last first. I find it's so easy to get caught up in what's important (& having to be important) in this world, and miss what Jesus is about for us, for me. I am important because I am a chosen, adopted, child of the King. A King who gave up glory, became small, became a servant, entered into this life, and calls me to follow Him. And little by little as I stumble around doing that, the importance of who I am remains. Remains unaffected by what the world, others, or even what ...
Peter began to tell him, "Look, we have left everything and followed you." "Truly I tell you", Jesus said... Mark 10:28-29 CSB Jesus had twice talked about his own death, and just talked about how hard it can be to get eternal life in your own strength and goodness. Peter asks the question that I have asked I really on the right team here? Is following Jesus the right thing? Peter looked back at what he had given up to follow Jesus.  And had a moment of doubt. The pressure of circumstances, comparing my life with others, God seems silent, am I on the right team? Peter had been one of Jesus closest people for 3 years, had seen the miracles, had heard the sermons, had literally walked with Jesus, and was still wrestling with God. It's OK to have a moment. Jesus response? Truth. Here's some truth. Following me was the best thing ever, it is going to work out, but not quite how you think right now. It's going to be OK  #wordsofjesus #itsOKtoha...
He is before all things, and by him all things  hold together.  He is also the head of the body,  the church;  Colossians 1:17-18 CSB Before time and space, Jesus was  He is outside of the creation, beyond, and somehow it seems that the Word that created all that there is, holds it together. And He's the head of the church. He entered into creation, not to remain separate, but to become one with us.  Joined, co-dependent, incomplete being made complete. And as the body we go where the head leads. Where did Jesus go? Outside, towards the lost, the hurt, the marginalised, the poor. He brought healing, forgiveness, and hope  As His body we follow Him. We follow the One from outside time,  in who all things hold together,  who made himself small, who humbled himself, who came as a servant,  to make a way,  to become the way,  for us  to be made whole. #sunday #worship #thisisourGod
The earth and everything in it,  the world  and its inhabitants,  belong to the Lord; for he laid its foundation on the seas  and established it on the rivers. Psalms 24:1-2 CSB These opening words of Ps24 encourage us to take a breath, to step back, to look up. Our thoughts can be dominated by what's in front of us, business, study, relationships, viruses, trouble, pressure... This Psalm says regain some perspective. Who is God? Where are we in His story? Take a breathe. Take a moment. Think on this: The earth and everything in it is God's. He made it. The people, everyone, are God's. He made all that we can see and touch and hear and discover. He is above And beyond Can you picture David writing these words somewhere, and contemplating who God is. His life had plenty going on... Breathe. Rest in that today. Let Him speak to you about what's really important. Let the freedom of that rest on you.  And me. #psalms #psalm24 #loveGod #lovepeople
Friday! Proverbs!Judgments are prepared for mockers,  and beatings for the backs of fools. Proverbs 19:29 CSB We have someone who mocks, & is going to be judged for it. This person is mocking God in some way.  How do I do that? I do that by having too small a view of God, too small a view of Jesus love, too small a view of his creation, and too small a view of people (made in His likeness) And we've got the fool. In Proverbs the fool is the opposite of the wise. This is not someone who makes a mistake, but someone who chooses to live opposite to wisdom, opposite to God's truth. It doesn't take much for me to be both a mocker of God and be a fool.  And this proverb says there's consequences to that. Beating. Judgement.  But. I have a saviour.  Someone who was beaten for my foolishness, and bore the judgement that should've been mine. I've been saved  #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon #grace
They were even more astonished, saying to one another, "Then who can be saved?" Looking at them, Jesus said,  "With man it is impossible,  but not with God, because all things are possible with God." Mark 10:26-27 CSB The team couldn't believe what they'd heard, just how hard it is for people to get to be saved. (Maybe they were even wondering if they were) Then somthing shifted Earlier Jesus looked around and spoke. Now he was looking at them.  You cannot save yourself. It's impossible. It's God's work only that brings that change.  With Him, it is not only possible, it's the only way. Before this guy interupted, Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem, not just to make a way, but somehow, to become the way. He was going to become, be made into, the atoning sacrifice, to somehow absorb all the sin, all the evil, all the hurt, all the brokenness. Looking at them. Going to make the Impossible (sin filled creation made holy and blameless before Holy ...
Jesus looked around and said to his disciples,  "How hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!" The disciples were astonished at his words. Mark 10:23-24 CSB I really wanted to skip these verses.  They're uncomfortable.  Jesus looked around and included the disciples, those who had left jobs and businesses, in his view of those who had wealth.  And here we are living in the most prosperous and wealthy generation of all time. Jesus looks around. Uses his superpower of seeing what motivates the heart.  He sees the disciples hearts. He sees mine. We all love something more than God. There's a battle for our affection. Peter a couple of verses later despairs and declares no one is good enough to get into the Kingdom. And we are not. I am not. Where was Jesus heading before he was interupted? To Jerusalem. To the cross. To make a way. To make us heirs of the Kingdom. Grace. Grace that says you can now in the safety of your salvation reorder yo...
But he was dismayed by this demand, and he went away grieving,  because he had many possessions. Mark 10:22 CSB This young man chose his stuff over following Jesus. It wasn't that he had stuff, even that he had lots of it, it was that was what he had placed his hope in.  That stuff was the thing that he couldn't give up because it was his identity. He came to Jesus unsure of his situation with God.  Was he good enough. Jesus said all you have to do is follow me. But your love of your stuff is in the way. It's not your stuff, but your love of it. Jesus says: Yes you're enough. I love you  Choose to love me.  Choose me first And he did not. He chose the temporary, the momentary, the created, his own kingdom, over the eternal, the creator, the kingdom of Light. I wonder what happened to him? What he did if he heard of Jesus death, his resurrection, the apostles teaching. What I do know is that if he did choose to follow Jesus, that His arms of grace are wide open a...
Looking at him, Jesus loved him  and said to him,  "You lack one thing... Then come, follow me." Mark 10:21 CSB Being able to see someone's heart is the superpower that Jesus had... I wonder if Jesus was here with me today, he'd do the same: Seen. This was personal, 1:1. Jesus sees us. Loves. No matter who we are, how we feel about our worth or value, we are loved.  Loved. You are loved. Loved as we are, and Loved so much not to leave me where I am, what would Jesus tell me was the one thing that I lacked? That thing that's stopping me from simply following Him? Dangerous prayer time: Jesus, show me what I lack, what you want shifted in my life so that I can simply follow you. Thanks Amen. Seen Known Loved Choose today to follow Him. #gospelofmark #monday #Godsgym #followme
For everything was created by him, in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities  all things have been created through him and for him. Colossians 1:15-16 CSB What was the "dominion" first put in place? Adam and Eve's dominion over creation. They (& we) were given the earth to cultivate and create with and in. What weren't we given dominion over? One another. There's the kingdom of which I am on the throne, which is fuelled by what I want, a kingdom of shadows and darkness, and there's the Kingdom where Jesus is on the throne, it's fuelled by Grace, it's message is Love, it's the Kingdom of Light. It may not look like Jesus is over all, it may not feel like it. Fear, sadness, selfishness & death still have their say in this world. When Jesus went to the cross it seemed that death had won.  But it did not. Light will extinguish the dark. Love will win. #kingdoms #lovewins #oneday...
A worthless witness mocks justice,  and a wicked mouth swallows iniquity. Proverbs 19:28 CSB Has this proverb any clues that point us to Jesus? He is the opposite to the people in this proverb. He is a true witness, the exact representation of the Father. Jesus does not mock justice, but brings a taste of it. He brings that promise that one day, all will be made new. All that is hurt will be unhurt. And  He took in our iniquity. Ingested it. But not from a place of wickedness, but holiness. What kind of crazy love is that? The kind that says we're worth so much to God that He would do literally whatever it takes to make a way. This is amazing grace. #dearlyloved #childrenofGod
Friday! Proverbs! A worthless witness mocks justice,  and a wicked mouth swallows iniquity. Proverbs 19:28 CSB This whole proverb just feels "yuck".  Look up the meaning of iniquity: Corruption Injustice No moral values Who wants to take that on board? The person this proverb is looking at is choosing to ingest iniquity. This is not accidental or forced or manipulated, but a choice. They mock justice. They simply don't care about the person who is wronged. And then I think about what I consume sometimes, the movies, music, images, words, games.  What am I choosing to ingest (often in the name of entertainment) that is "iniquity"? What am I choosing to dwell on? If I think it doesn't affect me, this proverb says otherwise. I can easily become that person who does not speak truth and does not care about others. In Joshua chap 24, Josh challenges the people to choose. Choose who they will serve. When we have a choice about what we ingest, choose wisely. #prover...
He said to him,  "Teacher, I have kept all these from my youth." Looking at him,  Jesus  loved  him... Mark 10:20-21 CSB Jesus is starting his final journey that is going to take him to the cross, and he's interrupted by this guy with his story. His story is of doing everything he can and knows to be right with God. And Jesus sees him. And loves him. No matter what our story is, no matter what we've tried to be right with God, Jesus is Ok with the interruption, with us telling him our story. And He sees you. He sees our heart with all the broken bits and the mess, and the goodness and the beauty. He sees you. He sees me  And he loves. Loves you. Seen Known Loved If this young man had known that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem to die for him, maybe his response would've been different. We know how this journey ends for Jesus, and he did too. He took that journey anyway #seen #known #loved #youareenough
"Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" "Why do you call me good?" Jesus asked him. "No one is good except God alone." Mark 10:17-18 CSB This guy running up to see Jesus could be straight out of our modern world. What have I got to do? It's all about me, my autonomy, and the "what".  An IT Manager once told me "I can fix any problem with the application of sufficient funds". I can sort this. There's a "what" that will fix it. Underneath the "what" of the man's question is the real question:  "Am I good enough?" "Am I enough?" But Jesus asks a question.  Jesus' question gets to the person's heart, and moves things from the "what" to a "who". And the "who" is Jesus. Am I enough? Jesus says look at me. Know me. At the end of this dialogue Jesus simply says "follow me" When we simply follow Jesus our question will be answered....
And some of you used to be like this.  But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. 1 Corinthians 6:11CSB There were lots of problems in the Corinthian church that Paul is writing to. Big problems. He ends this passage with the reminder to keep putting off the old, the life we lived, the things we did before we knew Jesus.  We have been washed.  Cleaned. The stain and stench of sin, our own or others, is washed.  Made clean. Justified. Made right before God. Sanctified. Being made more like Jesus in the everyday stuff of life.  How do these things happen? Two things: The name of Jesus. The power of God's Spirit. In those, our life is safe, secure  And we've been washed, made clean. Live in that truth today. #theology #washed #safe #secure #clean
As he was setting out on a journey, a man ran up, knelt down before him, and asked him,  "Good teacher,  what must I do to inherit eternal life?" Mark 10:17 CSB Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. He's heading there for the final part of his mission. Probably an early morning start, mind on the job, because the next Jerusalem and the crucifixion. And he gets interrupted. He may have been asked this question 100 times,  What do I do when I get interupted? He didn't get annoyed or tell him he was too busy. Jesus stopped and talked with the person in his situation. If I get interupted by someone today, how am I going to see that? Is my "mission" so important that the person in front of me is not important? What has God got for me to learn or see in the interruption? (Will I even ask Him?) What does the interruption reveal about my heart? What I need to address? Jesus is starting the most important journey of his life, and still shows grace. May I show a smidge o...
For everything was created by him, in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible... Colossians 1:16 CSB If we zoom into the smallest things we can find that make us up (is it quarks or something?), no matter how small, Jesus made it. If we look up at the stars, zoom out with telescopes and space traveling cameras, every thing that we might get to see, Jesus made it.  All.  Jesus made it all. And. He learned to walk as a toddler. And. He hugged the small. Washed feet. Forgave sin.  The creator joined in, entered in to the creation, became part of, subject to, submissive to, the boundaries of creation. And. He touched the unclean. He cried. He went to the cross.  For us. Jesus is the creator. And. He loves us. He wants us back.  All of us. The heart of God is for us. The Spirit of God is in us. The creator and the created.  What a crazy love story. #sunday #worship #thisisourGod