The Son is
the image of the invisible God,
the one who is first over all creation...
Colossians 1:15 CEB
Not only is Jesus God shrunk, reduced, confined in a body just like ours, he is first, the sovereign, the preeminent, the originator of all creation.
He was not just there at creation, Jesus was the agent of it.
He was born into his creation as a helpless baby, who could do nothing for himself, completely dependent on Mary and Joseph.
He made himself small.
And didn't just come and visit, didn't just get a taste of what it's like to be human and then zip back, he became one of us.
He entered in to the creation.
He's not some faraway deity that has to be sacrificed to, to be made happy somehow, he is near.
He knows.
He knows what it is to be human.
He knows us.
He knows me.
He knows you.
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