Brothers and sisters, consider your calling:
Not many were wise from a human perspective,
not many powerful,
not many of noble birth. Instead,
God has chosen what is foolish in the world to shame the wise,
and God has chosen what is weak in the world to shame the strong.
1 Corinthians 1:26-27 CSB
Do you remember being at school and there's a game or contest and 2 captains are chosen, and they get to select their team, one by one.
Who is chosen?
And who is left to the end?
But God has chosen those who seem foolish and weak.
If what you do seems foolish in the world's eyes, goes against it's version of success, if it seems weak in our culture, not Instagram worthy, but is reflective of Gods heart for this world, for people, then you're in good company.
Don't stop.
What the world sees as weak, God chose.
Lean into Him today, whether successful or not, strong, from a great family, healthy...or not...lean in Jesus and let Him work in and thru our weakness...
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