I planted,
Apollos watered,
but God made it grow. Because of this,
neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything,
but the only one who is anything
is God
who makes it grow.
1 Corinthians 3:6-7 CEB
I have some favourite authors who I'd love to meet, some fave Bible teachers, and it's easy to tie my walk with God to these people, to any person.
Paul, as the celebrity pastor, is saying no. God is at work in you, not me. Don't put me or anyone else in God's place, growth in grace comes through God.
Yes people have a part to play, but the real agent of change is not a church service, conference, worship time, or a particular person.
Lean into God, dig into His Word, commune with His Spirit, keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, and in that, sing, pray, listen, learn, share, bear one another's burdens.
In all that God wants us to grow, not to stay the same, but to be transformed to be more like Jesus.
With all our stuff
With all our gifts & skills & talents, and with our hurt, damaged, & struggling souls.
When something grows it changes.
Let Him who is Love, and who Loves you, grow you and me :)
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