In this kind of situation, what is expected of a manager is that they prove to be faithful.
I couldn't care less if I'm judged by you or by any human court; I don't even judge myself...
1 Corinthians 4:2-3 CEB
Tim Keller wrote a short booklet called "The freedom of self-forgetfulness" based partly on these verses, unpacking the marks of a heart radically changed by the gospel, and this is one;
I'm not worried about what you think of me.
I'm not worried about what the world thinks of me.
I'm not even concerned about what I think of myself. My own internal critic.
As we are faithful to God, to his two great calls to love God and to work that out in the world by loving people, the gospel centred humility that flows from that is
"not thinking
more of myself
thinking less
of myself,
it is thinking
of myself
This is the direction Paul is encouraging us in, being radically faithful to Jesus, so that, we think of ourselves less.
There's freedom here :)
Keep taking small steps in the right direction...
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