Some Pharisees came and, trying to test him, they asked,
"Does the Law allow a man to divorce his wife?" Jesus answered,
"What did Moses command you?"
Mark 10:2-3 CEB
This whole thing is about the heart.
The heart of the Pharisees.
But it's not recorded here so that we can see how clever Jesus is or how far their hearts had moved from God's, but to help us, to help me, to see my own heart.
The law was being used by the Pharisees to exercise power and control over others.
My kingdom come.
They added more rules.
My will be done.
Where am I on these things?
Yes Lord, I'll serve you, (but when its not too inconvenient).
Yes I'll love people (but not that person).
The Pharisees were coming from their cultural standpoint. The law.
What's ours?
The individual? It's all about me. My.
The battle I have is to fully give my "My" to God. To truly and completely want His kingdom to come, His will to be done.
Jesus promises that if we give up our life for his, we will really find it.
And with his loving arms around us, he gently invites us to walk with him in that direction...
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