He took a little child whom he placed among them.
Taking the child in his arms,
he said to them,
"Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me..."
Mark 9:36-37 NIV
At the very least Jesus's day was interupted.
He could've been doing important work like preaching in the temple, but here he is giving a child a hug.
And he is telling his team, and me, that this is what greatness in the Kingdom looks like...seeing the small, the voiceless, the vulnerable, and at the very least, allowing your day to be interrupted by them.
Two final things to think on about Jesus lesson here...
1. The child is not his. We might find it easy to give and give to someone in our family, but someone who's not?
2. This child, who represents the small and the voiceless can't give anything back.
And Jesus says to welcome this one in, scoop them up.
At the very least it may be inconvenient.
Jesus saw us, vulnerable, small, without hope, and entered in to our world, as a servant.
What a crazy upsidedown grace filled love driven person Jesus is :)
And he asks us to simply follow him...to keep taking small steps to grow in that grace and love
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