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Showing posts from July, 2018
...But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead... Philippians 3:13 NIV This "forgetting" word, it has the meaning of neglecting or just not caring for something. Paul is just not caring for the past anymore, yes it's part of who he is, part of his life, but it's just not as important, not as influential on him, as what is ahead. He is refusing to dwell there. Whether the past is full of victories, joys, wins, or defeats, failures, hurts and despair, he's just not caring for it. Neglecting it. Let the dust collect on the past as it's what is ahead that's more important. Choose better. Choose what is ahead. Quite a challenge from our old Pastor chained up in prison...who's looking ahead to something better... #better
Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on... Philippians 3:13-15 NIV So what is the "it" he hasn't taken hold of fully? That seems to be this fullness of life in Christ that he talks about in the earlier verses. Our pastor Paul is giving us some breathing room here. Don't beat yourself up if your life does not match some idealised view of what a Christian should be like. It's OK to be you. It's OK to be where you are on your journey. None of us have "made it". Not even Paul, an apostle with the most dramatic conversion story ever, with years of Bible training, he's not "there". And he's telling his church, and us, that's OK. It's OK to be you. It's OK to be where you are. What's important now thought is the direction you and I are heading matter what the storm, the danger...
Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:7-8NIV Someone jokingly said to me yesterday "I'd take a bullet for you", but Jesus not only said he would, he said he would for people who hate him, for those who were and are against him. Not just for "them", but for me too. I was against him. He chose to love without measure, to take the consequences, to take the bullet that should've been mine. And this is the love he calls us to... #sunday #worship #thisisourGod #lovewithoutmeasure
There is a way which seems right to a man and appears straight before him, But its end is the way of death. Proverbs:25 AMP If I can't really trust my own heart, what is the way that leads to life? The way that leads to life is found not in an idea or an ideology, not in a way of life or a set of behaviours, not in religion, a set of rules, being good enough, doing enough, giving or even serving others. No, the way that leads to life may contain or give insight into all those things, but it is found in a person. Jesus said I am the Way the Truth the Life He is that person. He became the way that leads to life, because he chose to love us. To love without measure. #life #lovewithoutmeasure #comeasyouare
Friday! Proverbs! There is a way which seems right to a man and appears straight before him, But its end is the way of death. Proverbs:25 AMP This proverb speaks to the subtleties of our hearts... the way that we convince ourselves of our own thinking, our own feelings, are always right, when they're not anchored in God's truth. It's not about the things or the activities or the actions we take which may well be good things, but the motives of the heart. An example? When my heart says "you deserve this" newer, bigger, brighter, shinier thing. Why did I tell that story? Share that info. Post that picture. Was it to encourage you? Or was it to make me look better? Feel better? Seem smarter, more together, more successful. Yes, my heart is a subtle thing that likes its own way...and its own way (according to this Proverb) does not lead to life. Ancient words that speak to me today...that quietly challenges me to seek the way that does lead to Life... #som...
... but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Philippians 3:12 NIV Jesus took hold of Paul for a purpose. He turned his life 180 degrees and set him on a new path. Jesus grabbed every part of Paul in a hugely dramatic way...maybe you've had a similar experience...maybe not, but Jesus wants to grab every part of us and redeem it. To restore us to become the person he sees we can be (when we meet someone and say "wow I can see so much potential in them" - Jesus sees us as we can be) He has good things for all of us to do. But in one of those interesting God ways, we've got to go after that which Jesus has for us, to press on, to not look sideways at the journey of others, back at what's behind, but forward to what Jesus has for us. Whatever that looks like, I'm sure it contains these 2 things: Loving God Loving people #presson #yourjourney
Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Philippians 3:12 NIV Salvation has come...but is still coming...and he's pressing on to what? "To take hold of that for which Christ took hold of me." What was that? Grace. In the previous verses in this chapter Paul talks about the things he'd put his faith in. The last one was his own goodness. But when he met Jesus on the road to Damascus all of that exploded. What's left was Grace. And he's pressing on towards Grace, and giving it out, sharing the good news of that Grace with anyone and everyone. Grace. #itsagift
I want to know Christ - yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead. Philippians 3:10-11 NIV I'm not gonna pretend to understand all of this...but I'm not sure if Paul has it all figured out either... Somehow knowing Jesus is wrapped up with ressurection power, suffering (not ordinary suffering, but suffering like Jesus did), somehow becming like Jesus in his death...if Paul doesn't have the details squared away then I think it's OK that we don't either...sometimes there are mysteries...and that's OK, things to wrestle with God about, and that's OK, Paul gives us permission here... Somehow, it's all going to be made right, sin and its effects on us and this world will be undone. Somehow, all will be made new... in the meantime we just get glimpses... #mysteries #somethingtochewon #glimpsesofhowitshouldbe
I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ - the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. Philippians 3:8-9 NIV Do you recall the "them" from v5-6? Paul's ethnicity & cultural background, his gender & all that goes with that, his education and his work (& the wealth & status that flowed from that) and finally his belief in his own goodness. That by being good enough, God would have to accept him. Those things he was prepared to toss out with the rubbish to know Jesus, to be found in Him. You can't get there on your own. You simply can't be good enough. The only way is faith in Jesus. No matter who you are No matter what you've done No matter what's been done to you Righteousness, adoption, redemption, forgiveness, comes from faith. In Jesus. #itsagift #grace
Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24 NIV Who is it that speaks gracious words? Jesus said that he is the good shepherd who came to lay his life down for us, to come and join with him, be yoked to him, to share our burdens, that he came to bring peace, but not as the world gives... His words are forgiveness, adoption, love. Words for the soul. Words of healing. As far as I know the only words he ever wrote were some words in the sand (no one had a phone then to record them!) so all of Jesus words we have were spoken. The spoken word is personal. Jesus is personal. He told the story of leaving the 99, to go and find the one. You. Me. One. Personal. And when he finds the one, what do you think his words will be? Not condemnation, but Love. Forgiveness Grace Restoration Words that are sweet to your soul And healing to your bones #sunday #worship #thisisourGod #speaklife
Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24 NIV The focus here is on good words and the postitive effect that they have on both the soul and the body. Often the Bible is seen as being about things we shouldn't do, but this proverb is simply about what we should. Today, my challenge is to listen to the words that I say, and are they gracious. In any way could they be honey to someone's soul or bring healing to their bones? And if not, that the Spirit might prompt me with some alternatives... Honey is a product that has a whole range of nutritional and healing properties. You can add it as an ingredient, use it as medicine, a sweetner, to your skin...and it has a remarkable shelf life. Just like my words. #healing #nutricious #lifegiving #choose #speaklife #proverbs #somethingtochewon
Friday! Proverbs! Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24 NIV The soul, the body, & the mind. Interesting how the Bible sees them as all connected... Our words have impact. Second interesting thing about this proverb is that its not specific about who is impacted. The speaker or the hearer. Is it the words we hear that bring healing and life, or the words we say? Could it be both? Lord, help me today to choose words that speak life, courage, goodness, grace and love. Thanks. Amen. #choose #speaklife #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon
What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ Philippians 3:8 NIV The second part "for whose sake I have lost all things", Paul seems to be looking back at the life this time at what he's actually lost. He's lost his job, his status, his social network...we don't know about much about his personal life, but he says he has lost all things. Lost all things for the sake of knowing  Jesus. And he sees himself as the winner! All the things he thought were important, weren't as important as knowing Jesus. May that understanding of Pauls be mine today... #belikePaul #loveGod #jesusatthecentre
What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ Philippians 3:8 NIV The first part of this verse is the language of a business deal. "... everything a loss..." This is like someone who's made a bad business deal, or bought a car and it's turned out to be a lemon... it's a loss. No value. Because of the uncountable worth of knowing Jesus makes the things he'd invested his life in not as valuable as he'd thought. He'd had a perspective change. Their value hadn't changed to anyone else, or to the world around him, but to Paul, they had. Do I see knowing Jesus in the same way? Is knowing Him the ultimate good that I hold in my heart? #belikePaul #loveGod
I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. Philippians 3:7 NLT Have you ever "woken up" & realised that something you put so much value in, something that seemed so important, just isn't? That's what Paul is confessing to here... the key things he'd placed his worth on, his identity in, his place in the world, were shown up as poor substitutes for knowing Jesus. His ethnicity, sex, education, work, and the last thing in his list in v 6, his self-salvation project, (if he was just good enough) were of no value compared to knowing what Jesus had done for him. He'd put his faith in good things, and now found the real thing he'd been striving for. #jesusatthecentre #believe #faith #everythingchanges #lightbulbmoment
But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] will gain new strength... Isaiah 40:31 AMP "Those who wait" appears to be we aren't to do this waiting, expecting, looking for, hoping thing on our own. It's so much easier to be hopeful with someone else, to share our burdens, our hurts, our sorrows. When we're waiting on God it's better to do that in community - that's what we're designed for :) When we're together, waiting, we get to share our stories, to see a bit of Jesus in one another, to learn to give a little more, to forgive a little more, to love a little more. Don't waste your waiting. Don't wait alone. #wait #strength #inthistogether #walkingeachotherhome
But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] will gain new strength... Isaiah 40:31 AMP Such an interesting description of "wait"; expect look for hope in What is it I've wrapped my hopes, expectations, my future in? At different times it may have been my education, my work, my bank account. Another person, a holiday, a business, a gym subscription. An inner world, or just shaking off the shackles and doing whatever I wanted... expect look for hope in For a while one or more of those things may have given strength. But eventually, they drained it. Depleted. The promise here is if we wait on the Lord, Yahweh, put our hope and expectation in Him, let Him hold our future, there's new strength to be found. Not the old, ordinary, rely on me only strength. New strength. I just need to choose to wait on Him. #sunday #worship #thisisourGod #choose #wait #strength
"The heart of the wise teaches his mouth and to his lips adds learning" Proverbs 16:23 transliteration How many times have I said something unnecessary, how much trouble have I caused, how many people I've hurt...because of the words I've said? This Proverb is clear on 2 things: 1. I can change the words I say. My mouth can be taught and my lips can get learning. I can change. 2. It's my heart and it's orientation that is the key. The heart of the wise. The source of wisdom? The fear of, the knowledge of, the heart of, God. Faith in Jesus turns me in the right direction, and choosing to walk with Him keeps me heading in that way... Love God. As we're walking together heart surgery happens as we live it out Love people #inthistogether #loveGod #lovepeople #walkingeachotherhome
Friday! Proverbs! The heart of the wise makes his speech judicious and adds persuasiveness to his lips. Proverbs 16:23 ESV Ah to always have judicious speak with good judgement, perhaps even figuring out when it's better not to say anything! How do we get there? The Hebrew literally says "The heart of the wise teaches his mouth..." Your heart has to teach your mouth. Teach it when to stay shut. Teach it to encourage not discourage. Teach it to build up not tear down. Teach it to be kind, gentle...useful! Teach it to speak life. So...where does the goodness in our heart come from that teaches our mouth what to say (or not say)? From being yoked together with Jesus, by walking with Him, by letting his word wash through us, his grace wash over us, and his love make us whole again... #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon #walkingeachotherhome
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30 NIV My yoke is easy. So often our faith is described as a burdensome set of rules and regulations. Jesus says "my yoke is easy" The word translated here "easy" means useful and gentle and kind. No wonder it's hard to translate! Walking with Jesus is useful. Useful to give us purpose, direction and hope. Walking with Jesus is gentle. He is gently leading, gently healing, gently binding up our wounds... And He is kind. He's for us. Loves us. When were walking with him there may be some difficult terrain, some stormy weather, but despite that, we know he is kind, so we can trust. Useful Gentle Kind #thisisourGod #dearlyloved
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:28-29 NIV I am gentle and humble in heart. Jesus said that if you know him you know the Father. Is this the picture we hold of God? Gentle Humble Gentle and Humble in heart That means He's doesn't just behave gently, He is gentle. He doesn't just seem humble, He is humble. But wait there's more! As Christ's ambassadors, as his representatives, we're called to be like him Gentle Humble Gentle & humble in heart. #thingstoworkon
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me... Matthew 11:28-29 NIV If we're going to be yoked together with Jesus, then we're going to be heading in the same direction. We're going together. Stuck together. We're not going to be in a hurry - never seen oxen or buffalo in a hurry... And we'll be learning as we go... there's no instant promise of immediate answers or revelation...but a quiet, steady, walking together. Oxen aren't yoked together just for exercise, but to integral part of our journey with Jesus is work, serving, meeting the needs of others :) #with #yoked #patient #work #journey #unburdened #unwearied
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 NIV Jesus had just been praising God, warning those who weren't seeing  the signs, restating that if you want to know about God, then look at me, and you'll see Him. And then these beautiful words that jump down the centuries and off the page in our modern age... Rest for the weary Rest for the burdened Refreshment Restoration Maybe your good today, or maybe this is what you need. Jesus invites us when we realise that the things we're carrying are not provisions for the journey, but things that are not helpful, not needed. Burdened. When we're not happy to be where we are. Weary. When we realise that just maybe the author of creation, the representation of God walking the earth, may just know what we need...his invitation is there... #rest #restoration #invitation
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.  He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Psalm 147:3-4 NIV The same One who heals the brokenhearted, determines the number of stars...knows them by name... The same One And He knows your name. The same One who determines the number of stars, wants to be close enough to bind up your wounds. The same One. And it's you and me that He wants to share eternity with Open up. Invite Him in. Trust Him. He's the One who knows the stars :) #sunday #worship #thisisourGod #dearlyloved #psalms #psalm147
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.  He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Psalm 147:3-4 NIV Got any wounds? Hurt, injury, pain... sorrow. We've all got them. I love this picture of the binding up. For God to do that our wounds are exposed to Him. We can't cover it up, hide it away. For God to bind us up He needs to be close. He only comes close when we invite Him. For God to bind us up we need to trust Him. Trust Him with our hurt, injury, pain... sorrow. Open up. Invite Him in. Trust Him. #dearlyloved #psalms #psalm147
Friday! Proverbs! Good sense is a fountain of life to him who has it, but the instruction of fools is folly. Proverbs 16:22 ESV Who follows the instructions of fools? Just don't. That's straight forward enough. But who is, or how do we identify the fool so that we can avoid their instruction? Proverbs 1v7,  2v6, 9v10, Matthew 7, Colossians 2 all give us some help on that &  tells us where wisdom comes from. Someone's world view, the frame in which they see things, whether life has a  creator, whether we're  made for a purpose, what we place our hope in, who or what we worship...these things make a difference to the instruction or advice that people give. If we start with God, His story, then we have a much better chance of having that fountain of life operating in our lives :) #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon #speaklife
Further, my brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord! It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again, and it is a safeguard for you. Philippians 3:1 NIV Here's old Paul going on about the same thing again...but he knows it...and it's important! The word translated safeguard is to "not totter", a firm foundation on which to stand, somewhere you won't trip up. So our rejoicing in God, our praise, our hymn singing, our meditation, our thankfulness for Jesus, our thankfulness about our position in God...all that and more...that's our firm foundation. A place to stand. A place that stops us tripping up That's why it's important & why Paul is happy to take us back there... So today, Rejoice in the Lord! He is Good. His Love endures forever. He's redeemed you, called you by name. You are dearly loved. Have a beaut day :) #rejoice #firmfoundation #dearlyloved #childrenofGod #rejoicerinseandrepeat
So then, welcome him in the Lord with great joy, and honor people like him, because he almost died for the work of Christ. He risked his life to make up for the help you yourselves could not give me. Philippians 2:29-30 NIV People have different things to do in the church...and some are in relative safety doing the sending and supporting, and some are in the front line, sometimes putting their lives at risk, often their health, and almost certainly their financial security. And Paul recognises this and encourages the Philippians to look after Epaf. For us, we need to look after our pastors and friends who are in the forefront of the battle. Pay them. Look out for them Pray for them Honour them Welcome them home Here Paul is encouraging others to encourage others...building an encouraging community :) There may be times when we're at the front, and times when we're supporting, but we can all be encouragers... #belikePaul #encourageoneanother
Therefore I am all the more eager to send him, so that when you see him again you may be glad and I may have less anxiety. So then, welcome him in the Lord with great joy... Philippians 2:28-30 NIV Paul, the guy who said don't worry about anything is suffering from anxiety? The word for anxiety here means free from pain, grief and suffering, and this is the only place this word is used in the Bible. Interesting that his anxiety was not about himself, his position or condition, but about his community and his friend. And he took action. Paul's focus was on others. He was empathetic towards them. And he took action. From prison. No wonder he's a saint! I can learn to be more others oriented, to listen to the needs of others, and where I can, take action... #belikePaul #walkingeachotherhome #lovepeople
Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord ; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Psalm 95:1 NIV A friend wrote this meditation on Ps95 yesterday #writeyourownpsalm I sing joyfully to the Lord Who is my rock My place to stand I sing joyfully to the lord Who keeps me safe Within his embrace There is no God like my God Who created all things on earth And loves all things equally Who created the highest mountains and the deepest depths of the oceans And knows every part of me What a wonderful and powerful name! And yet, has so much grace and love! I sing joyfully to the Lord And listen for His voice I may turn my back But my God is always there Calling me home Reminding me I can rely on Him I sing joyfully to the Lord For being in His house brings me joy Being with His people brings me joy Knowing I am His Overwhelms me Frightens me But overall Brings me joy and comfort
May...this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight,  Lord , my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14 NIV David's Psalm starts by looking out at creation & what inspires him to worship. Last week I was challenged to rewrite a positive Psalm with how I saw things... try it for yourself! #sunday #worship #writeyourownpsalm Psalm 19 I see beautiful people people giving, sharing, helping people living out their faith finding their way people who's lives, words, faces, hands, feet, speak of you, speak of Love speak of Grace speak of Forgiveness speak of Hope when we're together when we sing, praise, pray, commune when we meet, share, listen it's a taste of heaven our history our ethnicity our age yes we bring that but it doesn't separate in your place in your presence our hurts, our scars melt away in your word is truth in your word is light that gives direction in your word is the lamp to stop my stumbling here we can stand fir...