it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.
James 4:17 NLT
This seems to be a summary of James letter so far, remember, this letter starts with about 10 "dear brothers and sisters", James heart towards his readers (or more likely hearers) of his letter is pastoral, caring, and very much "we're in this together".
When you read this verse are you hearing an accusation?
Maybe verses like this have been used as weapons to get conformity or change something others didn't want to see in you.
But when we read James letter that doesn't seem to be his intent at all.
This is meant to be heard as an encouragement. An encouragement to step toward what we already know is good, to reflect on James teaching so far and step away from things that don't bring shalom and light into the world or into our own lives.
The word "sin" here is "harmatia", to "miss the mark". Dear brothers and sisters, where are we missing the mark today?
If you have 10 minutes today read James 1-4 and see what jumps out at you (dear brothers and sisters).
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