My sacred family members, has any of you wandered from the truth?
Has anyone helped you find the way back?
If so, then let them know, the one who helps someone return from broken ways has rescued their soul from death and hidden the many paths that lead to broken ways.
Aho! May it be so!
James (He leads the Way to the Scattered Tribes) 5:19-20 FNVNT
This last piece of James letter doesn't read like it's the end, but it's all we have, and the FNVNT translators it seems needed to add their own concluding "Amen", "Aho! May it be so".
And their "Aho! May it be so" also applies to the sacred work that James leaves us with, because he is just like us and prone to wandering away from the Truth.
We do that with some of our choices, we do it with our thinking, and we do it when the deepest parts of us believes the Lies.
Lies that the world tries to sneak in about our worth, lies that the actions of others try to tell us, lies that have been spoken to us and over us.
It's the Truth that sets us free Beloved.
The Truth of who Jesus is, that He has conquered all that stands between us and God, that reconnection is possible, that healing is possible, that love wins.
The Truth that as difficult it may be to believe, we are the objects of our God's love.
We are Beloved.
And when we wander off, we need one another to bring us back to the Truth.
"Aho! May it be so"
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