Light is planted like seed for the righteous person; joy too for those whose heart is right.
Rejoice in the LORD, righteous ones!
Give thanks to his holy name!
Psalms 97:11-12 CEB
This song ends in thanksgiving - I wonder how different my day will be if mine starts with thanksgiving?
Today I'm thankful for some simple things, the crisp stillness of the morning, the birdsong which speaks of joy of living, the clucking of my neighbours chickens, the noises of life and provision.
And then there's this phrase, this picture, that light and joy are planted like seeds in us. Seeds take nurturing and an environment for them to grow in - am I giving light and joy the things they need in my heart?
Light and joy can be affected by the world, the actions of others, but I'm wondering how often it's me that shuts these things down in me?
What if we let Light and Joy flourish today?
Maybe it starts with thanksgiving?
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