He who farms his land will have plenty of food, but he who follows futilities will have plenty of poverty.
Proverbs 28:19 CJB
Can we see Jesus reflected in this proverb?
He never owned a farm or any land, a business, a house, a car or anything as far as we know.
He did follow his Dad and was a carpenter, then became a Rabbi, wandering around collecting students, teaching, sharing meals with the outcasts of society, breaking down barriers, challenging broken systems, bringing healing and hope.
He died with no assets, alone, an enemy of his own people and the Empire that ruled them.
And yet, his life was not wasted, not spent on "frivolities" (worthless, empty, foolish, vain, idle).
What was the crop, the fruit of Jesus work, his life?
Yes we can see Jesus here, and maybe as we do, it opens up what's most important in our world, in our time too...
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