Jesus said,
"If you want to be complete,
sell what you own,
and give the money to the poor.
Then you will have treasure in heaven.
And come follow me."
Matthew 19:21 CEB
The person Jesus was talking to, who had come with his big question about how to be right with God, had been keeping all the rules, following all the religious practices.
Yet he still had a question for Jesus, still knew that there was something more needed.
It wasn't intellectual, but must've been something in his spirit, his wairua, something deeper, that was telling him that life connected to God isn't about rules.
Jesus reminded him that it's a heart thing.
And it's a relationship thing.
If you want to be "teleios", complete, perfect, reached the end, Jesus asked this person to give away what he loved more than God because it was hindering him, holding him back, and to simply follow Jesus.
And Jesus invitation remains the same.
It's not the rules, church requirements, what others are putting on you, it's all about what is in your heart. Let go whatever you're holding onto that you think will make you teleois, complete, and follow Jesus.
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