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Showing posts from July, 2024
Jesus said,  "If you want to be complete,  go,  sell what you own,  and give the money to the poor.  Then you will have treasure in heaven.  And come follow me." Matthew 19:21 CEB The person Jesus was talking to, who had come with his big question about how to be right with God, had been keeping all the rules, following all the religious practices.  Yet he still had a question for Jesus, still knew that there was something more needed.  It wasn't intellectual, but must've been something in his spirit, his wairua, something deeper, that was telling him that life connected to God isn't about rules. Jesus reminded him that it's a heart thing.  And it's a relationship thing.  If you want to be "teleios", complete, perfect, reached the end, Jesus asked this person to give away what he loved more than God because it was hindering him, holding him back, and to simply follow Jesus. And Jesus invitation remains the same. It's not the rules, churc...
My sacred family members, has any of you wandered from the truth? Has anyone helped you find the way back? If so, then let them know, the one who helps someone return from broken ways has rescued their soul from death and hidden the many paths that lead to broken ways.  Aho! May it be so! James (He leads the Way to the Scattered Tribes) 5:19-20 FNVNT  This last piece of James letter doesn't read like it's the end, but it's all we have, and the FNVNT translators it seems needed to add their own concluding "Amen", "Aho!  May it be so". And their "Aho!  May it be so" also applies to the sacred work that James leaves us with, because he is just like us and prone to wandering away from the Truth. We do that with some of our choices, we do it with our thinking, and we do it when the deepest parts of us believes the Lies.  Lies that the world tries to sneak in about our worth, lies that the actions of others try to tell us, lies that have been spoken ...
Sunday Psalms; Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy. Acknowledge that the Lord is God!  He made us,  and we are his.  We are his people,  the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving;  go into his courts with praise.  Give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good.  His unfailing love continues forever,  and his faithfulness continues to each generation. Psalm 100 NLT We started looking at a Psalm each Sunday 2 years ago!  And #100 is full of goodness for us, this song is a reminder of who's we are, a reminder that we belong, are accepted.  And it's a reminder that we get to meet the King not with fear or trepidation but with joy and gladness, like old friends, like anticipating a great event, there's warmth, togetherness, shared experience, goodness. And there's the reminder of who our God is, Faithful, Unfailing, Love. As we sit with thi...
He who farms his land will have plenty of food, but he who follows futilities will have plenty of poverty. Proverbs 28:19 CJB Can we see Jesus reflected in this proverb? He never owned a farm or any land, a business, a house, a car or anything as far as we know. He did follow his Dad and was a carpenter, then became a Rabbi, wandering around collecting students, teaching, sharing meals with the outcasts of society, breaking down barriers, challenging broken systems, bringing healing and hope.  He died with no assets, alone, an enemy of his own people and the Empire that ruled them. And yet, his life was not wasted, not spent on "frivolities" (worthless, empty, foolish, vain, idle).  What was the crop, the fruit of Jesus work, his life? People. Life. Hope. Forgiveness. Light. Life. Yes we can see Jesus here, and maybe as we do, it opens up what's most important in our world, in our time too... #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon  #itsaheartthing
Friday! Proverbs! He who farms his land will have plenty of food, but he who follows futilities will have plenty of poverty. Proverbs 28:19 CJB This word "futilities" is the word "req" which seems to mean worthless, empty, foolish, vain, idle.  While at one level this proverb can be read that work hard, use your skills and gifts and you'll flourish in your world, and if you don't, you won't. But if Proverbs is not a weapon to be used to tell people to go get a job, it's about the heart.  So could it be getting at here? Is there a poverty of the heart, the spirit, the wairua, that comes from setting our minds on the worthless, empty, foolish, vain & idle? And what is the heart food that comes from farming the land? The crop, the fruit, the result? Farming our spiritual land, our heart land, the who-I-am takes time, preparation, inputs. Fruit doesn't usually appear by accident.  As we sit with this Proverb today, what comes up for you? Is it so...
So admit your broken ways one to another and pray for each other that you may be healed. The prayer of one in good standing with Creator is powerful and good medicine. James (He leads the way to the Scattered Tribes) 5:16 FNVNT James is encouraging his readers to be open, to trust each other with where we are broken, because healing comes in community.  Let's start here: we are all human, the places of our hurt and broken ways happen in community, and that is where healing has the opprtunity to happen (not necessarily the same community as some people are not good for us, safe for us, or helpful, so we still need to be wise about where we find community). We need one another, and we need those who's connection with our God, their faith, is strong. We need to be able to lean in, and at times, to be the strong one who others can lean into, and in that leaning in, find again the God who loves, who redeems, who heals, who is Hope. #James #beinghuman #community  #inthistogether #re...
Are any of you suffering hardships?  You should pray.  Are any of you happy? You should sing praises. Are any of you sick?  You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over you, anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord.  James 5:13-14 NLT  I often viewed this part of James letter as some kind of formula for fixing what's wrong, sorting out my problems, some kind of guarantee of wellness.  But I'm wondering today if James is interested in my heart orientation - where do I go when things are going well?  Is it to praise God? Am I grateful for the blessings of this world, the good, the encouraging, the I even acknowledge our God in that? And in the sorrows.  The losses. The hurts. Because He is there too.  And then James calls us to community, to bring others in, especially in tough times, and in our culture this may be more important for us than for James listeners back in the day, because we think we have to...
Most important, my brothers and sisters, never make a solemn pledge - neither by heaven nor earth, nor by anything else.  Instead,  speak with a simple "Yes" or "No," or else you may fall under judgment.   James 5:12 CEB Our words matter.  And James seems to be addressing something in this letter about making colourful over-the-top commitments, as if that is going to make our word, our yes, our no, more meaningful or believable.  The problem in the churches James was writing to may not be the same problem in our lives, in our community, in our church, but his answer may be helpful. James simply encourages us to be people who are clear, who do what we say, so that our "yes" and our "no" is all we need to say. Our words matter, and if we're characterised by a life and choices that match our words, then that is integrity.  And our Yes and No, our everyday words are enough.  #James #Godsgym #ourwordsmatter #integrity
If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, what will he do?  Won't he leave the ninety-nine others on the hills and go out to search for the one that is lost? And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he will rejoice over it more than over the ninety-nine that didn't wander away! In the same way, it is not my heavenly Fathers will that even one of these little ones should perish.  Matthew 18:12-14 NLT This is a wonderful story from Jesus about his heart for us, seeking out the lost. But it always seemed odd that it's in the middle of Matthew 18, where the disciples have this argument about who will be greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven (yesterday my Pastor helped me make sense of it) Jesus response starts with centering on a child into their gathering, and telling them off for their faith being skewed, and they needed to have faith like a child. But Jesus didn't leave them in that. This story shares his heart for restoration, that even though his team had...
Sunday Psalms; Let them praise your great and awesome name.  Your name is holy! Mighty King,  lover of justice,  you have established fairness.  You have acted with justice and righteousness throughout Israel. Exalt the Lord our God! Bow low before his feet, for he is holy! Pslams 99:3-5 NLT Who is the "them" in first line of verse 3? It's the rest of the world, the rest of the world that doesn't yet know the God this song is written about. The "them" are those who haven't experienced God in the same way that this songwriter has. And the writer wants "them" to know that our God is different, holy, set apart from us, yet is just, fair, more than that our God established, created  justice. In a world that so desperately needs things putting right, our God sets what is right.  (While I want justice, fairness, I don't think I'm any more capable of managing that than anyone else. True justice takes someone from ourside stepping in, and that...
And the church is his body;  it is made full and complete by Christ,  who fills all things everywhere with  himself. Ephesians 1:23 NLT There is a separation that happened in Genesis, that will be fully repaired. That's the Good News.  Somehow it's even more than God dwelling with us, it will be like we are one entity with Jesus. All the disconnection from God, disconnection from others, disconnection within ourselves, and disconnection with the land, with creation, will be made new. This is the Good News that we get to hold on to when the things we face seem too much, when the world hurts, when we hurt, when hope seems so far away, so small. This is the Good News that we get glimpses of in community, when love wins, when our spirits connect, when we feel at peace, when lives are changed, when we see a smile, feel the wind, smell the sea, in those moments when light overcomes darkness, and we know that this Good News is the real thing. All things everywhere fully con...
Friday! Proverbs! Whoever walks in integrity will be delivered,  but he who is crooked in his ways will suddenly fall. Proverbs 28:18 ESV This proverb gives no guidance about what what being delivered means, or what a sudden fall means, so let's stick to our premise about Proverbs: 5 a heart thing. The word translated integrity here is "tamim", which means complete, sound, and  often means blameless, so when I walk with integrity, live out my values, there is something good in doing that, some kind of deliverance, some kind of being saved. We know when we're living in line with our values, there's a peace that comes with that. An internal sense that even if this world is not OK, I'm OK in it. But when we don't live in line with our values, with what's most important, when we're trying to live to others expectations, live up to the world's measures of success, sacrifice our values for something or someone else, we trip up. It doesn't work. I...
You, too, must be patient. Take courage, for the coming of the Lord is near. Don't grumble about each other, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. For look - the Judge is standing at the door! For examples of patience in suffering, dear brothers and sisters, look at the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. We give great honor to those who endure under suffering. For instance, you know about Job, a man of great endurance. You can see how the Lord was kind to him at the end, for the Lord is full of tenderness and mercy. James 5:8-11 NLT This idea of patience, and having courage as we wait, is expanded with an example. James says to look back at the prophets, not so much for stories of suffering, but look for our God's tenderness and mercy.  These are things we may not notice when we're hurting, just as the prophets may not have, but James invites us to stand not as grumblers, but as patient, courageous, hopeful people, knowing that our God who was tender and mer...
Don't grumble about each other, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. For look - the Judge is standing at the door! James 5:9 NLT But James, you don't seem to understand, grumbling about each other is what I'm good at! I practice it. James seems to be saying here that while I might like grumbling, he knows that I can't live by the same standard I expect of others.  So what can I do if I can't grumble? Forgive. Look for solutions instead. Keep my boundaries. Get some space. Change something I have the power to change. Address the issue properly. Challenge my own heart about the pleasure I get from grumbling and complaining. Don't lose sight of the Bigger Story that we are in, the Big Story of redemption and restoration, that we are part of our God's restoration plan... There's always options as we grow in Kingdom values, and as we step away from grumbling something new may just open up for us. #James #itsaheartthing #wideopenspaces
For listen!  Hear the cries of the field workers whom you have cheated of their pay. The cries of those who harvest your fields have reached the ears of the Lord of Heaven's Armies. James 5:4 NLT James is able to draw a direct line from his readers who were landowners, business owners, and the people who worked for them who were being used and not sharing in the rewards of their work. For many of us we live in countries with labour laws that at least help avoid the worst of the exploitation of others (In the US CEO's of major companies are paid 300-500 x the typical employee, in NZ it's 30-50 x the average wage - what is an OK number?). For us, the exploited are more likely to work in factories and offices in other countries, hidden away from our sight.  And yet in our modern world there is no hiding if we really want to know.  I think James would encourage us to find out where the goods and services we consume come from, are workers being paid fairly, are the coffee grow...
Sing a new song to the Lord,  for he has done wonderful deeds.  His right hand has won a mighty victory;  his holy arm has shown his saving power! .... Sing your praise to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and melodious song, with trumpets and the sound of the ram's horn.  Make a joyful symphony before the Lord,  the King! Psalms 98:1, 5-6 NLT I don't know what this song was written about,  but there are some things here for us; Sing a new song. When we see our God at work, note it, write about it, write some songs and sing them together.  Don't wait for some famous person or band to write theirs, write about the things we see, our stories, where lives have been changed, turned around, where goodness has flourished.  Celebrate together.  Songs are for community, to remind us of God's goodness, to encourage us today, and to give us hope for the future.  And use what you have. Harps.  Rams horns. The means are just cultural, so us...
Now he is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else - not only in this world but also in the world to come.  Ephesians 1:21 NLT Some days it's difficult to see Jesus having any authority in this world. There are wars. Death. Injustice. Sickness. Poverty. Destruction. Fear. Disconnection. Despair. And it would be great if it was all put right. Put right in my way, with my timing.  I think it's OK to want that.  But I'm wondering if Paul wrote this as a reminder that this world isn't currently what it was made to be, and that one day it will be.  We can live today working for the Kingdom, living out the Kingdom, trusting that there is a Bigger Story that we are part of. A Bigger Story that continues to unfold in our lives, and one day, will unfold everywhere, encompassing everything.  As much as we might want to move Jesus timing, give it all a nudge, we get to trust, have faith, in One person. Jesus.  He holds the Story, and no mat...
Friday! Proverbs! Let a man weighed down with anyone's blood flee to a pit;  give him no support. Proverbs 28:17 CJB Wow. Not sure if this proverb is about a literal pit, or something more metaphorical. When we look at Jesus story you can't say that becuase someone has taken another person's life, harmed someone else, that they should be cut loose from society. So what does it mean? Perhaps it means that the person who has harmed another should be allowed to feel, to experience, the gravity, the weight, the impact on others of their actions and choices.  They should feel bad.  Because out of that place comes remorse, sorrow, apology, restitution and perhaps a path towards forgiveness.  Perhaps this proverb is asking me, where I have caused harm, to face it, to own what I've done, to let that sit with me, so that I understand in some way how much harm I've caused.  Only then is there a genuine way forward. What do you think? #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon...
I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God's power for us who believe him.  This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God's right hand in the heavenly realms.  Ephesians 1:19-20 NLT God's power, the power that brought Jesus through death, isn't ours to wield or use like some light saber or mystical force.  This power, God's power, is going to bring us through death too, defeat death, and usher in Life, Life we just get glimpses of now. How does this Life after life work? I don't know.  But we can look at Jesus who turned up on the beach and cooked breakfast for his friends after he death had been defeated. That sounds pretty good.  Restoration. Shalom. Communion. Paul knows these ideas are hard to grasp so prays that his readers will understand, will little by little get it, that their future is in the care of our Loving God, who's power has broken the power of death over ...
One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could lay his hands on them and pray for them.  But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him. But Jesus said,  "Let the children come to me.  Don't stop them!  For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children." And he placed his hands on their heads and blessed them before he left.  Matthew 19:13-15 NLT In trying to do something good, the disciples must've been missing something more important. The disciples didn't want these parents and their children bothering Jesus. The implication is that he was too important, too busy with "bigger" things, to be slowed down by children. Perhaps they'd seen other Rabbi's being protected from or separated from ordinary people, and thought they should do the same with Jesus.  But Jesus is not the same. He was not too busy. He did not want to miss the small, the willing, the ordinary. That's why he was there. These ch...
Jesus replied, "Moses permitted divorce only as a concession to your hard hearts, but it was not what God had originally intended." Matthew 19:8 NLT What did God originally intend?  The uniting of people. Wholeness. Eve had been made from something, some part taken from Adam, and now there is the picture of reuniting, of wholeness. That seems to be the idea.  So when marriages fail, when relationships fall apart, when there's separation between us, it's not what our God's intent was. And no wonder that it hurts.  We know that our relationships with one another, whether they're friendships, whanau, marriage, we know that they're not perfect, that we're not always going to get things right, but when they rupture, we know that's not how things were meant to be. That's not what God intended. And it's OK to grieve what is lost, what is broken. Broken relationships should make us sad.  That's not what God intended. Our world has so much hurt ...
Light is planted like seed for the righteous person; joy too for those whose heart is right. Rejoice in the LORD, righteous ones!  Give thanks to his holy name! Psalms 97:11-12 CEB This song ends in thanksgiving - I wonder how different my day will be if mine starts with thanksgiving? Today I'm thankful for some simple things, the crisp stillness of the morning, the birdsong which speaks of joy of living, the clucking of my neighbours chickens, the noises of life and provision. And then there's this phrase, this picture, that light and joy are planted like seeds in us. Seeds take nurturing and an environment for them to grow in - am I giving light and joy the things they need in my heart? Light and joy can be affected by the world, the actions of others, but I'm wondering how often it's me that shuts these things down in me? What if we let Light and Joy flourish today? Maybe it starts with thanksgiving? #psalms #psalm97 #theseedsofLightandJoy #thanksgiving  #rememberyou...
Sunday Psalms; The Lord is king! Let the earth rejoice!  Let the farthest coastlands be glad. Dark clouds surround him. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne. ... The heavens proclaim his righteousness; ... You who love the Lord, hate evil! Psalms 97:1, 2, 6, 10 NLT Another firecracker psalm trying to find words and pictures to explain ir describe who our God is. His throne is built on righteousness and justice, we get to rest in that, it's not our righteousness but His, it's not our idea of justice, but His. His idea of righteousness is found in creation, maybe that's why we often feel at peace in His creation, in the bush, the trees, the river, the beach, connecting with good people... And this song invites us to stand with our God against the things that are wrong, to stand on the side of righteousness, justice, to be part of that proclamation of our God's goodness in the way we are in the world. Maybe today there's a moment to rejoice with t...
Friday! Proverbs! A ruler with no understanding will oppress his people,  but one who hates corruption will have a long life. Proverbs 28:16 NLT There's something about hating corruption, dishonesty, injustice, and loving the opposite things, fairness, justice, honesty, truth. This seems to be a reflection of God's heart, and this proverb is about standing against corruption, standing against unfairness, standing against injustice, and it's that heart that stops us mistreating others in those places where we have power.  That might be at home, at work, at church, in our friendships and relationships with people, when I walk into a store... This proverb encourages us to think about how we stand in the world, how we are.  It asks us to see where things are not right, and in ways where we can, stand against those things. To be part of making the world a little better. #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon #itsaheartthing 
I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called - his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance. Ephesians 1:18 NLT Paul's prayer echo's down the centuries to us today. May our hearts be flooded with light today, the light that extinguishes darkness, light that gives life, light that allows us to take the next step, light that gives understanding that we are His People, children of God, chosen, adopted and dearly loved. Paul talks of us having an inheritance, and here he flips it and drops this mention of God's inheritance, what he is waiting for, and that's us.  Maybe that's hard to grasp or even acknowledge that we might be an inheritance, longed for, waited for, yet here it is. It takes letting the Light in. May we do that today, let Light in to the core of who we are, and know that you are Beloved. #light #letthelightin #hope
Remember,  it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it. James 4:17 NLT This seems to be a summary of James letter so far, remember, this letter starts with about 10 "dear brothers and sisters", James heart towards his readers (or more likely hearers) of his letter is pastoral, caring, and very much "we're in this together". When you read this verse are you hearing an accusation? Maybe verses like this have been used as weapons to get conformity or change something others didn't want to see in you.  But when we read James letter that doesn't seem to be his intent at all. This is meant to be heard as an encouragement. An encouragement to step toward what we already know is good, to reflect on James teaching so far and step away from things that don't bring shalom and light into the world or into our own lives. The word "sin" here is "harmatia", to "miss the mark". Dear brothers and sisters, where are we missi...
Look here,  you who say,  "Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year. We will do business there and make a profit." How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow?  Your life is like the morning fog - it's here a little while, then it's gone. What you ought to say is,  "If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that." Otherwise you are boasting about your own pretentious plans, and all such boasting is evil. James 4:13-16 NLT James isn't saying don't plan, don't work towards goals, what he is reminding us of is that life can change. Tomorrow may not bring what we expect or want. James reminds us that this life is short (I know that some days seem to drag, but in the bigger picture, life is short). He reminds us to hold our plans lightly, to see them in context of who God is, and maybe as we do that, our plans and goals might shift.  What's most important might become clearer.  #James #somethi...
Tell all the nations,  "The Lord reigns!" The world stands firm and cannot be shaken. He will judge all peoples fairly. Let the heavens be glad, and the earth rejoice!  Let the sea and everything in it shout his praise! Let the fields and their crops burst out with joy! Let the trees of the forest sing for joy before the Lord,  for he is coming!  He is coming to judge the earth.  He will judge the world with justice,  and the nations with his truth. Psalms 96:10-13 NLT If you've been brought up on a diet of fearing God's judgement, this song has a different perspective: The creation is looking forward to it. "The Lord reigns" is a good thing. There is going to be justice. Songs don't need to tell us how something will happen, be full of detail, songs are about getting an idea into our hearts, to connect with our spirit, with the "who we are". This one is telling us something about God reigning again, Eden restored, of justice, of truth, of all ...