When the wicked arise, men hide themselves;
But when they perish, the righteous increase.
Proverbs 28:28 NKJV
I put a gap in the proverb because there's a gap between the wicked arising and their perishing or reducing in power.
And we stand in that gap.
We may not have any influence with Russia or Israel or Palestine, but we can stand for finding peaceful solutions that protect the innocent.
We may have little influence on our own government or the institutions that it runs on our behalf, but we can advocate for equity, fairness, justice in the way people are treated in those institutions.
We may not feel that we even have power in our own families to do anything about those who have used their power to harm us. But we can find our voice, find trusted people to share our story with, and break the cycles, be the change in the places that we live, work, create, rest, worship.
We can join with others in how we spend our money, time, resources, the things we write, the songs we sing, the things we read, the places we go, the way we stand in the world.
It may not seem like much at times, but the way you stand in the world matters.
We stand in the gap that can shift power, that says to the world we live in, to those around us, and to ourselves,
that you matter,
that you are Beloved.
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