He replied,
"You know the saying, 'Red sky at night means fair weather tomorrow;
red sky in the morning means foul weather all day.'
You know how to interpret the weather signs in the sky, but you don't know how to interpret the signs of the times!"
Matthew 16:2-3 NLT
Sayings about the weather have been around a long time, and even Jesus uses them!
The religious leaders had come to Jesus demanding a miracle to prove his authority.
He gives them nothing.
In the next couple of verses he gives them a telling off and walks away.
They're coming at Jesus from a place of their own authority.
I guess Jesus knows their hearts and understands their motivations which is not really to find out about Jesus, but to discredit him.
It's like Jesus is saying to them "I'm as easy to read as the weather.
Just look.
Lift up your eyes, look outside and you can see the weather.
Lift up your eyes and see me, hear what I have to say, I'm right here".
While we don't have Jesus wandering through our neighbourhoods, we can see the signs.
Lives changed.
Followers of Jesus living for one another.
Diverse communities of people finding love and acceptance.
The marginalised welcomed.
Shalom being restored.
In the midst of a messy , messed up world, the signs are already here.
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