Then Jesus told them,
"A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his own family."
Matthew 13:57 NLT
There's a bit of "tall poppy" cutting down someone successful, not able to celebrate them because it makes me look bad, small, unsuccessful (see v55-56)
Is this Jesus offended that his whaanau, his people, don't get him, don't believe in him?
Or is this Jesus just keeping it real, aligning himself with those who know what it's like to be misunderstood by those we want most to understand us.
Those who know what it's like to be rejected by those we most want to be accepted by.
Those who are not seen for who we really are now, not seen by thoae who continue to hold some image of who we were then, and cannot, or will not, acknowledge any change, or growth, won't see us for who we are now.
Jesus knows the sting of that rejection, the wound of that unseenness.
He knows.
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