"The seed that fell among the thorns represents those who hear God's word, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life and the lure of wealth, so no fruit is produced."
Matthew 13:22NLT
Jesus was explaining both his use of parables and this particular parable to his disciples, around 2000 years ago.
Even then the worries of this life crowded in.
Even then the lure of wealth captured people's hearts.
And that was without smart phones, instagram, celebrity gurus, sports people, musicians, actors, and people who are famous for being famous pushing their brands, ideas of beauty, and solutions for everything into our lives at every opportunity.
They didn't have live lotto draws, pokie machines, or a media obsession with money and the lure of instant wealth promoted as the way to solve everything.
They may have compared each other, but couldn't do that with millions of other people living their best life anywhere.
Is it any wonder God's quiet Word is crowded out.
Gentleness, humility, love, healing, hope, redemption, get shoved aside in the rush and don't take root.
Maybe today we can find quiet space for God, The Word, to speak.
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