Sunday Psalms;
Give justice to the poor and the orphan;
uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute.
Rescue the poor and helpless;
deliver them from the grasp of evil people.
Psalms 82:3-4 NLT
Asaph is crying out to heaven to change things in his world.
Not sure if he sees himself or his people in these descriptions:
What he is doing is 2 things:
1. He sees the sufferers. He doesn't turn away, pretend people aren't being harmed, that there isn't oppression and injustice even if it's not what he is experiencing right now.
He either is suffering, or he aligns himself with the sufferers.
2. He cries out, speaks up, writes his song, beseeches heaven to shift something, he does not stay silent, forget, sweep it under the carpet.
He uses his voice for those who may have no voice.
These categories are in the middle of our Bible for a reason, and maybe today our God is inviting you to stand with the poor, orphan, oppressed, destitute, to use your voice to change something, to do something.
Or maybe today you can hear Asaph aligning himself with you, standing with you, using his voice to advocate with you and for you.
Because you are seen, and you are Beloved.
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