Jesus replied,
"And why do you, by your traditions, violate the direct commandments of God?
For instance..."
Matthew 15:3-4 NLT
The local teachers of the law were having a go at Jesus because his team were ignoring their traditional of ceremonial hand washing before eating.
Nothing wrong with having traditions.
Nothing wrong with washing your hands.
However, Jesus is not so keen on elevating current, local ways of doing things to the level of the 10 Commandments.
And he's even less keen on the hypocrisy of those who for reasons of tradition or power or control or their own comfort or benefit, want things to stay the same.
The freedom of being a follower of Jesus was upsetting the status quo for this group.
We all have "shoulds"
This is the way things should be.
We don't always say them out loud but they're there.
I think Jesus convo with the Pharisees is an invitation to us to relook at our "shoulds" in the light of the good news of Grace, that is other oriented, that serves, that stands with the marginalised, that seeks the lost.
Maybe those "shoulds" are that internal voice that holds us down, holds us back, that voice of blame, or shame.
What would Jesus say to you about that today?
What freedom is Jesus inviting you into?
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