Why do you look at the splinter in your brother's eye but don't notice the beam of wood in your own eye?
Matthew 7:3 CSB
I kind of imagine walking with Jesus and he drops this question in:
"Why do you...?"
"Well it's easier to tell someone else about their splinter and what they should do/didn't do/what I would do/how I fixed it than it is to address something in my own life.
In fact I like it. Pointing out others faults, shortcomings, sins, like I know all about their life and the pressures and circumstances of their world too! I'm good like that.
Jesus, I'm not sure that I really miss the logs, they can be big but are they really that bad?
And if I looked at the log I'd have to do something about it then. And who would deal with their splinter?
And isn't it just a beam because it's in my eye because it's closer, not because it's actually bigger?"
And then I think Jesus would keep walking, and waiting, and listening...and wondering when I was going to stop my self justification and my judgemental stance and just talk to him about the beam, what He sees that as...
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