Therefore, you should treat people in the same way that you want people to treat you;
this is the Law and the Prophets.
Matthew 7:12 CEB
Jesus starts the Keep It Simple movement, you can complicate things with rules and policies, but Jesus says let's just start with trying to step into someone else's shoes.
The context is judging others, seeing splinters in their eye, not seeing logs in our own, and Jesus changes things up again:
To be treated how I'd like to be treated I have to understand your story, how you got the splinter.
I have to listen.
Really listen.
And empathise.
And put myself in your shoes and wonder if that was me, how would I want to be treated...and then do that.
That's why we love the rules, because we don't have to listen, or empathise, or step towards another.
Jesus simple command here actually asks for a different way of seeing people that he tells us is what the Old Testament is actually all about.
Our God who loves us, who empathises, who steps towards, and literally walks in our shoes, limits Himself to a human body, and then takes all the beams and all the splinters on Himself.
And asks us to follow him.
Keep it simple, treat people in the same way that you want people to treat you;
this is the Law and the Prophets.
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