My heart pounds in my chest.
The terror of death assaults me.
Fear and trembling overwhelm me,
and I can't stop shaking. Oh,
that I had wings like a dove;
I would fly away and rest! I would fly far away to the quiet of the wilderness.
Psalms 55:4-7 NLT
If you've ever struggled with anxiety, felt panic, when it seemed that you just had to get out, get away, to find some sense of peace or equilibrium or shalom...then you're in good company, cos David had been there too.
And if you've never experienced that, sit with David's words for a few moments and appreciate that this is an attempt to describe how things have been for him.
We can't just fly away like a bird and find that place of quiet, its not always easy to find when the turmoil is inside our mind, the psalmist gives permission here to express what's going on for us.
Maybe, when someone is going thru what this Psalm describes, you and I will be called upon to be that place of peace, of quiet, of care, where equilibrium and shalom can be restored.
May we be that place.
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