Be sure to know the state of your flocks,
and pay close attention to your herds;
for riches are not forever, nor does a crown endure to every generation.
Proverbs 27:23-24 BSB
The word that is translated as "close attention" is our old friend "leb" which is the heart, the centre of being. The heart of your livestock matters.
Doesn't seem to be a stretch to contextualise this to where we live today, this proverb may well be asking us to consider the "heart" of the business, organisation, team, groups, communities and families that we're part of.
How's their "heart"?
And this proverb is about the now, not a future that may not eventuate.
Taking care of what's important now.
Pay attention to the places and spaces we inhabit now and the wairua, the leb, the heart of those places and spaces.
What opens up for you as you take a moment with this proverb?
It makes me wonder how well I am caring for the wairua, the leb, the heart, of the people in my orbit, in the places and spaces I inhabit.
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