Sunday Psalms;
The fool says in his heart,
"There's no God."
They are corrupt,
and they do vile deeds. There is no one who does good.
God looks down from heaven on the human race to see if there is one who is wise,
one who seeks God.
All have turned away;
Psalms 53:1-3 CSB
David is expressing God's heart for the world, his broken heart for people.
Some days the world must look the same today as it did then, when it looks like "all have turned away".
Then there's this picture of what the world is doing to God's people;
They consume
my people
as they
consume bread;
they do not
call on God.
Psalms 53:4 CSB
A picture of people being used, devoured, consumed.
This is still happening, corrupt systems, corrupt people, ignoring God's call to seek Him, to know Him, and God's children still being used, devoured, consumed.
This song does end with a picture of justice and a picture of deliverance.
God does not leave His people without hope, and we find ourselves in a world that has many many followers of Jesus, yet still is a long way from being that place of justice and peace, that place of shalom that we all yearn for.
Jesus started something that will come to completion with perfect justice, and we will know the shalom that we all yearn for. He is our Hope.
Our hope that David couldn't see or grasp when he was writing these songs, he got a faint echo of what, or who, is to come, and what is yet to come.
One day all will be renewed.
Every tear held by Jesus, our Living Hope.
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