She ran and found Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved. She said, "They have taken the Lord's body out of the tomb, and we don't know where they have put him!"
John 20:2 NLT
Mary was with others in the pre dawn darkness, and when she found the unexpected, she went looking for people who needed to know, who might be able to help her find Jesus.
We're in this together.
We were never designed to go through this life alone and Mary M is showing the way here.
Not sure who the "they" is - could be the government or the Jewish leaders - but she is still looking for a dead Jesus. Running.
Trying to make sense of what she's seen.
Asking the people she knows were closest to Jesus. Sometimes that's the best we've got when were faced with a difficult or confusing situation - find the people who have been closest to Jesus and tell them what's going on.
We're in this together.
It's Ok to put a hand up, to ask for help, to lean in, to say we don't get it (& Simon and John probably got woken up by Mary in the early morning).
While the sun was coming up on the first day of the week, this little crew had no idea that the Light had dawned for all humanity. They had no idea of the enormity of the story that they were in...
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