If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.
Proverbs 24:10 ESV
Thanks Proverbs. I'm doing the best that I can and now you're coming at me for not being enough :/
This word "faint" is "raphah" and it carries lots of meaning; to lose courage, to abandon, to sink, to drop your hands.
When faced with adversity, a tough time, loss that feels overwhelming, problems that seem insurmountable, then this proverb does reflect my reality. My hands do drop.
My strength does seem small.
This proverb gently challenges our current culture that says not only that you can be anything you want, but you have to do it all yourself. It's all on you.
No wonder our hands drop.
Because we're made for community, we're not made to do this alone, to try and carry everything on our own.
We need one another, and that's OK.
On my own my strength is small, but with you, things change, together, our gifts and strengths multiply, as we lean into one another our perspective can shift and our hope is kindled.
Maybe this proverb is saying it's OK that my strength is small, as it shows me that I need you, we need one another.
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