Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever.
Philippians 4:20 CSB
This last word "amen", means "so be it" or "truly".
Paul just wants his life, and the life of his readers, to bring glory to God.
The word here is "doxa".
"honor, renown; glory, an especially divine quality, the unspoken manifestation of God, splendor."
Paul wants us to not lose sight of who God is, no matter what our circumstances. He's been pointing us to Jesus, and at the end encouraging us in the way we live, to reflect who God is.
Some days I can lose sight of who God is. The day-to-day stuff just draws me in and I miss who God is.
He reminds us that He can be seen in the ordinary acts of kindness, of sharing resources, in the living out our lives in the day-to-day, just as he is in the lockup.
Our immediate circumstances don't define God's character, how we live does. Not as solo characters, but together. Paul doesn't make himself out to be the hero here, but someone who has been dependent on the generosity of the Philippians, there's Epaphroditus moving back and forward, this is life together that is "doxa".
May we see a glimpse of that today :)
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