Let your gentleness be evident to all.
Philippians 4:5 NIV
Matt Smethurst asked the question:
Bible: "Let your _______ be known to everyone".
What virtue would you expect to see?
What would we be publicly known for?
This word translated gentleness ("epieikes") also carries the meaning of fairness, being equitable, justice.
Being gentle is not passive but it's us in action.
Doing things.
And the things we do, what are we known for?
As a community?
A church?
Do I bring fairness and equity and justice to what I do?
What we do as a church?
As a community?
Suddenly this small seemingly innocuous verse written from jail is a lot bigger.
Gentleness, fairness, equity, justice. Evident to everyone.
This is a gentle nudge from Paul to live these values out, and to do that I need to see the people around me, look outward, and take action.
Gentle action
Fair action
Equitable action
Just action
I wonder how that's going to look for me today?
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