Incline your ear,
and hear the words of the wise,
and apply your heart to my knowledge,
Proverbs 22:17 ESV
Incline your ear, bend your ear!
What great imagery!
What is it that we bend our ears towards?
I always hear things that reinforce my position, those who agree with me!
At times I bend my ear to the frivolous and chatter of "social media" or the voices of our culture that often sound so attractive.
This proverb encourages us to listen to wisdom.
And not just to listen, but to let it in.
The word here for 'heart' is "leb", our heart, mind, our inner self. What goes on in there? What are the words and messages running around in our inner selves?
Part truths?
This little intro to this section of Proverbs encourages us to get wisdom in there, truth in there, into those inner spaces.
Where to start?
The gospel of Jesus.
John 3:16-17. Let the truth sink into your heart, into those inner spaces.
God loves you.
You're so valued and valuable to Him that He made a way. Jesus is the way, all of who God is contained somehow in a person, humbled Himself, made small, not to condemn, but to save.
To save you.
You, image bearer, worthy of love and belonging
Allow God's word, grace, truth, to rest in our inner spaces today.
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