A thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.
"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."
John 10:10-11 CSB
Jesus, the anti-thief, comes to give lots of life.
He is good.
He is for us.
We're so valued, so valuable, that the good shepherd is prepared to die to save us.
The shepherd who values his sheep more than himself.
Our wee cat is now at the end of her days. I'm prepared to pay the vet for treatment, but there are limits. If the vet said I can save your cat if you die in her place...I love her, but know that she's not worth giving my life for.
Jesus sees us, and says that we are worth it.
His way, the Father's way, to this 'lots of life' that Jesus wants us to have, is via the cross.
Jesus sees us, and says we're worth it.
When the thief says you're not worth it, when our own internal voice says we're not worth it, Jesus says that you are.
He's decided how valuable you are, that you are worth it.
Right now.
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