Therefore, brothers and sisters,
in view of the mercies of God,
I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice,
holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship.
Romans 12:1 CSB
What we do with our bodies matters.
Worship here is defined as what we do.
There is no mention of a building, a church service, just our bodies ("soma") and what we do with them.
Paul uses the language of sacrifice, but it's not a sacrifice that has death as it's mode, but life.
This seems to be about how we live.
Our physical life is the exhibit (the word "present" carries that meaning of presenting something or exhibiting something) of our worship.
Worship is our vertical relationship with God, worked out in the horizontal relationship with our world and the people in it.
Love God
Love people
The way I live, the way I love, in the world should reflect the way that I love God.
It's more than an intellectual thing, more than a spirit thing, there's a physical outworking in the world that is integral.
This feels like something to sit with, because it isn't about physical abilities or attributes, but how we live.
It's quite challenging.
Our choices matter, what we do matters, because it's about who we worship.
And we matter to the One we worship because we mattered enough that He died for us.
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