He who follows righteousness and mercy Finds life, righteousness, and honor.
Proverbs 21:21 NKJV
What we follow, what we chase after, strive for, live for, what we love, has consequences.
It's so good to see this couched in positive terms :)
This world puts up what seems like an unlimited array of options that promise life, but this proverb encourages us to follow righteousness, and mercy/kindness which has an outward look to it, then the outcome is something really good.
Proverbs was written hundreds of years before Jesus, yet this one points us directly at him. When we follow the One who is righteousness and mercy, we find life.
Jesus said to love God (follow righteousness) and to love people (mercy and kindness), and in that we will find life.
How can we keep this proverb front of mind today in our choices and interactions?
Eugene Petersen put it like this:
"Whoever goes hunting for what is right and kind finds life itself - glorious life!"
Proverbs 21:21 MSG
Let's try that - hunt for what is right and kind today.
Maybe being kind to yourself is a good place to start :)
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