Don't let love be a mere outward show.
Romans 12:9 CJB
The Greek words here are "agape" for love and "anupokritos" or unhypocritical, unfeigned.
Not fake.
Not just something we do on the outside.
Love is not our job.
It's not what we do.
It's who we are.
This passage is framed in Grace, and grace acknowledges that we're not there yet, and sometimes loving with hypocrisy is the best we have. Or is that just me?
Am I willing to allow God's love for me to continue to shape me, nudge me, challenge me, teach me, to move in this direction, to love without hypocrisy, to love without measure?
Tbh some days I simply don't want that to happen.
My heart is selfish.
And God is patient and full of Grace, as He quietly shapes my stubborn, rebellious, selfish heart towards reflecting his. This is tough work even for our God!
The original words of Paul's seem to be the simplest:
Let love be unfake.
It's both a goal and a direction as we walk each other home :)
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