Now as we have many parts in one body, and all the parts do not have the same function, in the same way we who are many are one body in Christ and individually members of one another.
Romans 12:4-5 CSB
Our cat is sick.
As in has cancer. Her name is Poppie and she's been part of our family for more than 12 years, she's interacted with lots of people who have been at our place, been loved, and she's responded sometimes with affection, with disdain, and sometimes she'll just bite you.
But now that she is sick, she's no less valued.
Maybe as she is sick I value her differently, she affects my heart in a way that didn't happen when she was well.
Paul uses the body as a picture of how we are as people.
We're connected.
We need one another, way more than I need my cat. This verse is couched in the challenge of V2 not to be caught up in the ideas of our culture, a culture which decides who is more valuable.
Paul gives a counter cultural view, and gently challenges us to consider how we see one another, value one another, as we are.
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