Rejoice in your hope,
be patient in your troubles,
and continue steadfastly in prayer.
Romans12:12 CJB
Rejoice in your hope.
Be patient in your troubles.
Some days I wish words like these simply were not in my Bible.
When I hear about, see in front of me, experience, trouble, loss, hurt, grief, disaster, I don't want to be patient.
I want it fixed.
I want it fixed now.
I want it undone.
I want all that hurt to be unhurt.
And now would be good.
And Paul tells me to be patient.
And to pray.
And that leads me to one place, the Cross.
Where heaven came to earth, where evil smashed into Love, where hope is found in suffering.
There what we need is.
Not a place or an idea, but a person.
A person who so loved us, saw such worth and good and beauty in us, in you, that he chose you, and chose the Cross.
Rest in that today.
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