Just as each one has received a gift, use it to serve others,
as good stewards of the varied (many coloured) grace of God.
If anyone speaks, let it be as one who speaks God's words;
if anyone serves,
let it be from the strength God provides...
1 Peter 4:10-11 CSB
I'm happy to serve.
When it suits me.
When I can fit it in. When it's something I'm good at, when I've got time for my stuff first, and if I'm not too tired...
But serving isn't like that. A servant doesn't get a choice, a say. A servant doesn't get to set the priority, but the one who is being served does.
No wonder then that Peter reminds us that in God's Kingdom we need His strength to serve.
Because I'll soon run out of mine.
And often God seems to want us to serve in ways or places we might not have chosen for ourselves.
And in that place we'll need His strength.
This verse has at the centre being stewards of God's (many coloured) grace.
A good steward looks after, nurtures, grows, develops, protects, the thing.
God's many coloured grace is the thing.
The way we steward Grace is speaking and serving.
This is God's Kingdom at work.
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