Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in him,
and he will act.
He will bring forth your righteousness as the light,
and your justice as the noonday.
Psalm 37:5-6 ESV
These are tough words to sing when we are not seeing justice.
When nothing seems to change.
When God seems silent.
When He does not appear to be in action at all.
When people are oppressed because of the colour of their skin, exploited & used because they are vulnerable, when whole communities are discarded in refugee camps, when whole countries suffer from poverty, when disease sweeps the planet, when someone we care about doesn't seem to be getting better, gets cancer...loses a child, can't have a child...the list of hurts and causes of pain is never ending.
Why won't you act Lord?
When we look at the cross, when we share in the bread and wine, we know that it's not because God doesn't love us.
An the Psalmist says:
Trust in Him
Trust in Him anyway
And commit your way, choices, actions, thoughts and imagination to Him.
Trust Him regardless.
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