Then I thought...
"...I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.
Your ways, God, are holy. What god is as great as our God?
Psalms 77:10-13 NIV
In the middle of this song in the of the Bible is this pivot.
Asaph is in despair.
He cannot see a way out.
He's stuck.
And then he changes his thinking!
He deliberately turns his mind away from his own situation, his despair and discouragement and chooses in that to think about who God is.
And in that choosing things shift inside.
God is who He says He is.
He has worked in my life in the past.
No matter what it feels like I am not abandoned, forsaken, lost.
My situation doesn't change, but I do.
Just a small nudge at the core, that (re)orients me back to God, gets me looking outward a little more.
This Psalm doesn't end where everything is resolved or fixed, but does give us a gift that maybe you or someone you know needs today, that we can choose to think first about who God is and what He has done, who Jesus is and what He did, who the Spirit is and what He does and allow that to reshape us in our situation.
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