and love
be multiplied to you.
Jude 1:2 ESV
"Eirene" (i-ray-nay)
"To join, to tie together into a whole, wholeness."
Peace that comes from wholeness, when there's nothing missing.
When we don't feel at peace we are not "whole", something is missing.
Jude's blessing to his readers is that this sense of wholeness, of peace would be yours...and multiplied, to increase to maximum capacity.
The mercy of the covenant loyalty of God
The peace of wholeness
The agape love, the love that is big enough to absorb our sin, that is not afraid of our pain, love that is strong enough to bend down, to become small, to wait, to walk alongside...
May that mercy, that peace, that love, be maxed out in you today.
Now that's a greeting and a blessing: who needs to hear that from you today?
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