At about this same time he again found himself with a hungry crowd on his hands.
He called his disciples together and said,
"This crowd is breaking my heart.
They have stuck with me for three days, and now they have nothing to eat..."
Mark 8:1-3 MSG
If there's one thing we consistently learn about Jesus is that his heart is for people. We've just had 2 healings of individuals and now this massive group that are his concern.
And yes he's been teaching them, but his heart is aching for them because they're hungry.
For food.
Ordinary food.
And Jesus calls his team together and reminds them that there are hungry people here.
We don't know if they didn't notice, or were too busy, maybe they had noticed, but Jesus pulls them together anyway.
"My heart aches for these people.
Here's what I see"
I wonder, if Jesus turned up at my church, and said "my heart aches for these people, here's what I see" who would he be looking at?
Who would he "see"?
I wonder if he came by my house, and said "hey, my heart aches for these people, this is what I see..."
The people in need were right there in front of the disciples. Just like them I need Jesus to help me see...
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