I, Jude,
am a slave to Jesus Christ and brother to James,
writing to those
loved by God the Father, called
kept safe
by Jesus Christ.
Jude 1:1 Msg
Kept safe
This is who Jude is writing to, and this is our position.
Loved. Agape. Aroha nui. Dearly loved.
Sometimes that's easy to believe, sometimes it may not be. Right now you might not feel loved.
Jude says you are.
If today's circumstances were all we had, maybe we'd be wondering.
The cross tells me something else.
The cross tells me the lengths our heavenly father went to in love.
Called. Invited in, called in. He knows your name, knows your story, and calls you in.
Kept safe. Nothing can separate us from God's love. Nothing.
I mess up all the time, but there is safety in belonging through grace.
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