The people ate and were satisfied.
Afterward the disciples picked up seven basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. About four thousand were present.
Mark 8:8-9 NIV
The feeding of the 5000 there were leftovers.
Here there were leftovers.
A little later in the chapter Jesus expects the disciples to see a lesson in the numbers of the leftovers.
Today the lesson for me in the leftovers is this:
I want to wait til I've created something, a surplus, a result, and give that to God.
To give Him the leftovers.
The fruit.
He's been nudging "give me what you have, no matter how small it seems, and I'll use it, I'll work the miracle, and make the leftovers."
I'm too small.
I'm incomplete
I'm not good enough
I'm damaged
I'm bruised
I'll have something better to offer later.
Jesus says I see you,
I know you
I love you
Just bring what you have.
My kingdom is the upsidedown kingdom, where the small is valued, the hurt are loved, the broken are not discarded but lovingly, piece by piece, restored.
In this kingdom, you are needed.
That's my lesson from the leftovers...
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